Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Construction is Almost Complete

My construction quilt is almost finished.  I still have 3 more borders to go on, then it will be ready to go on Tillie.  I’m not looking forward to that part.

Construction Quilt 002

This has been a fun quilt to work on and I’m really happy with how it is turning out.  I just hope Alex is as happy when he gets it for his 3rd birthday which is fast approaching.

For those of you with a memory better than mine, I told you about my Ticketmaster woes in my last post.  I’m pleased to report that they refunded my money in full and agreed that their website was misleading.  Woooo Hoooo – with the money we saved (wink) we’re going to see “9 to 5” in a couple of weeks.

Leo is leaving on Friday for a ten day fishing trip.  While I’m sure I’ll really miss him, I am looking forward to some uninterrupted sewing days and just having a sandwich for dinner if that’s what I feel like. 

I don’t have a whole lot to say tonight, so I’ll leave you with this quote that my friend sent me today.

Constant use will not wear ragged the fabric of friendship – Dorothy Parker.


Joan said...

Wow, you're a machine! You've really put that together quickly considering all the work it is! What 3 year old wouldn't be thrilled to get that? I hope his mom lets him use it!

I'm really interested to see how you quilt it. Beautiful work, as usual!

Rian said...

Oh gosh is that ever cute!

At first I though you wrote you were having a schnauzer for dinner. Then I saw it said sandwich. I need new glasses!