Monday, November 3, 2008

I'm Giving Away the Store!

Tomorrow is a very special day. Not only is it my baby's birthday - he's going to be 7 - it's also my blog anniversary. I can't believe it's been a year since I started blogging and what I find even harder to believe is that so many of you take the time to read what I write and leave comments.

I have made so many friends through my blog - people I've never met, yet still consider friends.

So, to honour Ben's 7th birthday and my blog anniversary, I'm going to have a drawing for a give-away. I'm not sure what it's going to be yet, but I'm sure I can come up with something quilty that you will like.

You don't have to have a blog to enter - just leave a comment on this post. If you don't have a blog, please make sure you include your e-mail address so I can get in touch with you. I'll mail anywhere via Canada Post.

Here's a picture of the birthday boy.


Three Birds Inspired said...

Congratulations on your blogging milestone...and on your baby's birthday! Please enter me in your giveaway contest. I love presents!!

Deborah Levy said...

Happy Birthday Ben! And what a handsome boy you are! Mummy's pride and joy.

And congratulations Irene on a year of sharing with all of us. Keep it up, we love being a part of your life.

Mary Johnson said...

How cute! Chesty is 7 too. Time flies - the end of December will make 3 years blogging for me.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Ben! You're a cutie! And congratulations Irene on your blog anniversary! This is Joan from CQOL, I pop in now and then and really enjoy reading your blog. Please enter me in the draw too! (If you need my email, you can contact me through CQOL)

Jackie's Stitches said...

Happy Blogiversary!

And your pup is just the cutest! Happy 7th Birthday!

I'd love to be entered into your contest! Thank you so much for having it!

Corinna said...

Happy Blogaversary, Irene! And Happy 7th Birthday Ben! I hope your day was great. :o)

Randi said...

Happy bday, Ben and happy blog bday, Irene! :-)

Rian said...

Happy birthday to Ben! He looks great as Minnie Mouse! (?)

Happy anniversary to your blog, too. It's been great to get to know you.

Mary said...



ponderpiggy said...

Ben is such a handsome fella!!! Congrats on your year of are so good at doing it. Maybe I will be someday!

Hope you have rested, and look forward to pics from the wedding!
