Saturday, November 14, 2009

I’m Getting There

Contrary to what Leo says, I can see a difference.

Smaller Mess 002

I can actually see my sewing machine now.

Smaller Mess 003

And the pile in front of my containers is gone.

Smaller Mess 004

I’m hoping that by tomorrow at this time it will be finished.  I may have to make a trip to Canadian Tire to pick up another container to hold all my Fat Quarters – right now, they are sitting on the window seat in our bedroom – along with all the magazines.  Just wait till Leo sees that!


Anonymous said...

Awesome progress! - Chris

Three Birds Inspired said...

Even if your hubby doesn't see the difference, I can see it since your earlier post. Good job! That is a HUGE undertaking!!

Joan said...

OMG woman, have you got fabric! It's definitely looking much neater, you've done a lot of work! I love the cardboard idea too. I may have to rethink the way I've stored my fabric. Great progress Irene!

quiltmom anna said...

It is looking great Irene,
You are going to love your space when you are finished. You have some beautiful fabrics in your stash.
It is always fun to see someone else's stash.

Warmest regards,

Mary Johnson said...

Will you please come here and clean when you're done??? It's looking great!

Rose Marie said...

.... ummmmm ..... can you come over to my place and help me with my mess? Anyway, your space looks good.