Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Hail to the Prime Minister

I have a bone to pick with the American news media. Yesterday, in our great (most of the time) country, we held an election for a Prime Minister. This was a totally senseless election costing us more than three hundred million dollars - and we have the same Prime Minister today that we had yesterday - and he is still the leader of a minority government - much to his dismay.

What rubs me the wrong way is I wonder just how many Americans know we had an election? I couldn't find any mention of it on CNN or MSN's home pages today. Are we that insignificant that a major election doesn't rate a mention or is Madonna's divorce more important?

In Canada, we have been listening and watching for what seems like forever to the U.S. Presidential race. We know the candidates inside out, thanks to the media, yet I wonder if any of my American friends could even name who was running for our Prime Minister? Maybe I'm selling you short - it's not personal - it just annoys the heck out of me that the U.S. news media seems so insular.

O.K. - I've got it off my chest and I'll get off my soapbox now.


Mary Johnson said...

Madonna's getting divorced?

Seriously, I'm so sick of hearing and reading about American politics that had they covered your election - I would have missed it anyway.

I'll be glad when the election is over - of course, I'll still have to listen to way too much about the economy.

I miss the days when we got all our news in a 30 minute Evening News report.

Vicki W said...

I'd give anything to hear somethig in our news other than the election. I haven't seen one tiny report about the Canadian election. I only knew about it because of the blogs. It's insane and I'm SICK of it.

Anonymous said...

I too am entirely sick of election stuff. Neither one of the candidates is worth a hoot IMO. I regret to say I did not know you had an election. But I did know Monday was Thanksgiving...

Three Birds Inspired said...

I did read on both MSNBC and CNN (internet versions) that Canada elected a new prime minister. I don't watch the news anymore on TV so I can't say anything about that. I do know that I wish the US had the same kind of election rules regarding length of campaigning and money spent that Canada does. Nearly 4 MORE weeks of nonsense until our election...

Suzanne Earley said...

if it's any consolation, i'm pretty disgusted with the american news media too, which means that i watch as little news as possible.

i did, however, know about the elction, it was on

plus, i read the Yarn Harlot's blog, and she had a post a couple of days ago encouraging her fellow canadians to vote.

i cannot wait until i can vote myself and our election is over. we've been living with it for YEARS. it's ridiculous. and such a waste of money.

Corinna said...

Apparently Jon Stewart did a little bit about it on his "Daily Show with Jon Stewart". lol He makes all this polictical stuff seem so funny. I love watching his show. :o)