Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Tuesday Ramblings

I've been very busy making some Christmas gifts for my Stitch N Chat group. I'd love to share them with you, but one of the members reads my blog and I don't want to ruin the surprise. Let me just say these are so much fun to make and I actually get to be a bit creative - at least as creative as I get! I'll post pictures after they have been handed out.

The crisis with my hair has been averted. My stylist who is on maternity leave heard of my predicament and called me last night. She cut and highlighted my hair for me today at her house! It just goes to show you that you get back so much more than you give. She was one of the recipients of one of my circus quilts and when she called me last night she said how could she possibly let me down when I had made something so special for her baby.


Mary Johnson said...

I was feeling so bad for you! I'm glad you *found* her.

I had my hair done before Chris' wedding and it wasn't *right*. I ended up coloring it so it would Look good in the photos and I'm glad I did. It would be terrible to have all those wedding photos showing you at less than your best!

Anonymous said...

Well, you can say with 100% confidence that this is one quilt that was highly valued. What a compliment.

Three Birds Inspired said...

Great news about your hair! Isn't it nice to know when someone really appreciates a quilted gift?