Friday, July 11, 2008

Fabric Friday

Leo is feeling much better today, so I'm feeling better too. Leo well = Irene happy - not too complicated an equation!

Sandra and I made a quick trip across the border. I have a very kind friend who lives in the Buffalo area that lets me ship things to her address, then I pick them up from her. The savings in shipping costs is unbelievable.

Remember those bolts of fabric I ordered? Well, here they are:

The one on top is going to be perfect as a backing for the blue quilt I'm working on and I'm sure I'll be able to put the others to good use too.....eventually.

Here are the other two:

I just couldn't resist these as backings for baby quilts - bubbles and balloons. I have lots of the circus fabric left and these will work perfectly as backings for them.

We also picked up the wedding invitations. Price to ship to U.S. $8.00 - Price to ship to Canada - $25.00 - Having a kind friend in Buffalo - Priceless!

1 comment:

Deborah Levy said...

Irene, sorry to here Leo is having trouble again, but glad today is better. Hang in there!

Love the new fabric...the blues are just gorgeous!